Elizabeth Bathurst (1655–1685) was one of few Quaker systematic theologians in the Restoration. Her soteriology showed a pattern of traditional Quakerism common to earlier and contemporary Quakers like Fox and Barclay. However, her theology created a different theological atmosphere from them, in that she stoutly insisted on the sole authority of the Light and on the infallibility of human beings guided by the Holy Spirit against mainstream Quakerism after the 1660s. The first part of this paper briefly introduces the soteriology of Bathurst together with her understanding of human nature. In the second part, many citation errors from the Bible in Bathurst’s works are examined and compiled as a list of corrections to call editors’ and publishers’ attention to rough handling of research materials in the field of Quaker studies and publishing.
the Light, Restoration Quakerism, authority, Elizabeth Bathurst, soteriology, citation errors
How to Cite
Nakano, Y., (2008) “Elizabeth Bathurst’s Soteriology and a List of Corrections in Several Editions of Her Works”, Quaker Studies 13(1), 89–102. doi: https://doi.org/10.3828/quaker.13.1.89