This article responds to Hugh Rock’s recent attempt to locate Quaker theology in relation to Calvinism. Rock conflates George Fox’s and James Arminius’ doctrines and identifies them with a latter-day Pelagianism in conflict with the Augustinianism of their Calvinist opponents. This article corrects Rock’s claims. The first part of the article clearly distinguishes Fox’s doctrines from Arminius’ and both Fox’s (and other early Quakers’) and Arminius’ doctrines from Pelagianism. The second part of the article locates early Quakers’ and Arminius’ disagreements with Calvinism within the long tradition of debate between moderate and strict Augustinians.
Quaker soteriology, Hugh Rock, George Fox, Pelagianism, James Arminius, Augustinianism
How to Cite
Van Kuiken, J., (2018) “Pelagian or Procrustean? Weighing Hugh Rock’s Reading of George Fox and James Arminius”, Quaker Studies 23(2), 179–190. doi: https://doi.org/10.3828/quaker.2018.23.2.3