The Gerald Hodgett Award is for individuals or groups who have completed research at a British university and would like to present it more widely to British Quakers. If your research could benefit Quakers in Britain in any way, the Gerald Hodgett Award may be able to help you present it to them.

We encourage a creative approach from applicants, for them to think widely about how research may best be disseminated and how a Gerald Hodgett Award might help.

Examples of how research might be presented and the sort of activity covered include:

  • Student who obtained PhD on local meeting life and who wants to make a DVD for use by meetings.

  • Student who completed a PhD on an aspect of Quaker testimony and wants to prepare study materials for elders and others to use within local meetings.

  • Student currently turning thesis into a book, aimed at an educated general readership. Needs to spend a week in London, using the British Library and Library of the Society of Friends at Friends House, updating the material and expanding it to meet contract deadline.


Applicants should be

  • members of Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM) or attenders in good standing, or

  • members of other yearly meetings studying at Woodbrooke where their work would be of benefit to BYM Friends, or

  • exceptionally, others closely connected to Quakers and

  • current students or graduates from Quaker studies research degrees at Woodbrooke, or

  • current students and graduates from post-graduate research elsewhere in UK researching a similar discipline.

Please also note that

  • applicants can apply individually or in groups but the lead applicant and at least half of the group must meet the above requirements, and

  • successful applicants must agree to their names and project details being made public e.g. in Quaker News, and on Quaker websites and the award should be acknowledged in any publications etc. produced, and

  • beneficiaries can receive only one award.


  • The outcome of the project to be primarily of demonstrable benefit to BYM, its meetings and/or members and possibly to a wider public. Applications should include evidence of ‘market research’ and financial viability.

  • Proposals should be achievable within the finance offered together with any other funds clearly available. Applications must include an itemised budget with evidence of having researched the best value services.

  • Proposals should be achievable within a limited timescale. Some significant part of the project should be achievable within 12 months of funding being received. This should be clearly identified in your proposal.

  • You need to be clear about where you will receive support from, personally and for your project.

Application Procedure

  • Please download an application form from our website: Please note the need to use the market research form, also available on our website.

  • Applicants should supply a Quaker reference and give the details of someone else to whom the discerning group can refer, e.g. academic supervisor, business adviser. These people need to have a copy of your application in order for us to take up these references.

  • Applicants will be notified of the outcome of their own application.

Follow Up and Feedback

  • Beneficiaries to be asked to notify the discerning group, in writing/electronically of the use of the funds to date 12 months after receiving them and at the conclusion on the project or when the funds have all been used.

  • Copy of any publication financed to be made available to HEAG Group and Centre for Research in Quaker Studies.