This paper looks at the early life of George Newman, who became an influential figure in the public health movement in England and Wales. It establishes his acceptance and integration within the Quaker community, the adoption of Quaker ideals of mission and service and explores the thinking behind a career choice in public health. Newman was a product of the times in which he lived and it was these unique influences (especially those of individuals) that shaped his understanding and development of services for the education and welfare of school children and the advancement of public health and preventive medicine. Throughout his life Newman remained committed to Quakerism despite his public career in an increasingly secular state.
Newman, family, religion, Quakerism, public health, education
How to Cite
Smith, H., (2014) “A Quaker Inheritance: An Analysis of Family Values, Religion and the Childhood and Youth of George Newman (1870-1948)”, Quaker Studies 5(1).