Quaker Studies Joins the Open Library of Humanities!
Posted by Quaker Studies Journal Team on 2024-01-05

We are delighted to announce the official move from Liverpool University Press (LUP) to the Open Library of Humanities (OLH) platform!

For those who don’t know us, Quaker Studies (QS) launched in 1996 and is published twice yearly. We are the only refereed journal covering all aspects of Quaker Studies. Other than the stipulation that submissions of Research Articles and Research Notes should be related in some way to Quakers and Quakerism, there is no restriction as to discipline or methodology.

QS has been generously funded by the OLH since 2018. LUP have been an excellent publisher with which to work. The 2024 move to the OLH platform means we can continue to publish diamond open access, democratising reading and knowledge.